Badminton Racquet Maintenance: Do’s & Don’ts

If you are an ardent badminton fan and play the game frequently, the most common challenges you would face when the string snaps are which strings to choose and what is the ideal tension.
You spend a lot of money when buying the racquet, you want that racquet to deliver the best smashes, terrific drop shots, and netplay, and you also want that racquet to last long. This is exactly why you need to read this article to know the dos and don’ts of maintaining a racquet.
#1. Racquet re-stringing
Choosing the right tension when re-stringing is critical. A lot of people have a misconception that the higher the tension, the harder the smashes. This is wrong, the sweet spot on your racquet reduces with higher tension and increases with lower tension. Meaning, a larger sweet spot allows you to hit the shuttlecock better. When the string tension increases, the sweet spot on the string bed becomes smaller, which makes it more difficult to make proper drives or drops or smashes. So you should increase the tension when you improve your techniques.
Ideal Tension: 24-27Lbs* depending upon your game.

#2. Pick up the right strings
Zeroing on the right string can be a task in itself as there are 10s of options from many brands. The common types in all the brands are 3, microfilament, monofilament & multifilament. Microfilaments are thin, have better elasticity, and offer good resistance. Monofilament strings are usually stiff that accommodates superior control. Multifilament strings are for the attacking game as they are flexible and provide higher repulsion. A professional stringer can help you find the right string based on your requirement.

#3. Storing your racquet
Knowingly or unknowingly storing your racquet after the game is the most neglected bit of all. The most unkind thing you can do is leaving your racquet in the car (with or without proper covering), storing it beneath a heavy box or a bag. When you leave your racquet in the car or below a heavy object, your racquet gets exposed to harsh weather inside the car resulting in loosening the string tension and developing internal cracks when kept below a heavy object.
Always use proper thermal-lined racquet bags which come with a well-padded foam layer.

#4. Wrong shots & collisions
The most frivolous way a racquet gets damaged. Clashes are a common thing in badminton doubles, a clash can cause insignificant damage to your racquet frame. It doesn’t matter if the clash is strong or light as in both cases your racquet frame will develop internal damages and can break or change the shape when re-strong or when the strings snap during the game. This can happen on any racquet, old or new, it does not matter. Of course, collisions are part of the game and in most scenarios cannot be avoided, but what can be avoided are playing the wrong shots, better your technique, and enjoy the game.

It is easy to purchase an expensive racquet, but maintaining it well might just longer your racquet life.